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Trade Conditions of the Fine Art Studio - the way of studying by us
By entering to a registered association Malování kreslení, z.s. and paying a membership fee you become our student (member of a registered association) and you agree with our Trade Conditions.
- By paying the membership fee you can regularly attend your class of a semester course or attend a one-day workshop under the guidance of an instructor - according to the content of the courses listed on www.malovanikresleni.cz
- Members of the Malování kreslení, z.s. have the opportunity to attend free lectures, exhibitions, discussion meetings, guided tours and events organized by Malování kreslení, z.s.
- Membership in the Fine art studio Malování kreslení, z.s.. obliges you to anything :) We just want some beautiful pictures from you! :)
- Membership fee payment is possible through the account transfer, or by cash/card at the reception in our studio. We also accept vouchers Edenred (multi-ticket, compliments, sport and culture, benefits card ticket), Sodexo vouchers (RelaxPass, FlexiPass, DárkovýPASS and FokusPASS, flexi card), Le Cheque Dejeuner vouchers (Unišek + Unišek, Cadhoc gift voucher).
The membership fee can be split up into 3 segments due during the semester.
- Gift vouchers are valid for the period indicated on the voucher. The validity of the voucher can be arranged to extend to a maximum of one calendar year. The value of the voucher can be applied to the semester courses or to workshops it cannot be exchanged for money.
- Individual lessons: If you can not attend your individual lesson, please let us know at least 2 days in advance. Within 5 days from the date of the individual lesson, you have the ability to change the date of the lesson, otherwise, the membership fee is forfeited.
- Lessons apologizing: during your semester, you can replace previously apologized lessons. If you are not able to come to your regular lesson apologize it in advance through our booking system or via email info@malovanikresleni.cz and arrange a lesson replacement with another group. It is necessary to replace the lesson to the end of your semester. Lessons can be replaced in the following semester courses: a course of drawing and painting, figurative drawing course, ceramics. For other types of courses and workshops missed lessons forfeited.
- Transfer of an apologized lesson to the next semester: To the next semester we transfer a maximum of 2 lessons, assuming that you book the whole semester course. Transferred lessons can be attributed to existing lessons (eg. 19 + 2 classes), or converted to "credit" and the "credit" deducted from the membership fee for the next semester.
- Log out of a workshop: at one-day workshops is possible to change the date 4 days before the workshop, otherwise, tuition forfeited.
- Log out of a semester course: In case of cancellation, more than one month before the beginning of the course is charged the 1000 CZK fee, which passes on “credit” for any additional login. Upon termination of the multi-day course less than one month before the beginning of the course is charged a cancellation fee 50% of the amount, which passes on "credit" for any additional login.
- Ending of a semester course or a multi-day workshop:
a) Termination at the initiative of the student: The membership fee corresponding to the remaining lessons is converted to a "credit". Credit can be transferred to another person, to the next semester, or can be given as a gift voucher. Credit for the current semester is also possible to refund – we count one month notice period and we return 50 % of the membership fee within 30 days. It is not possible to refund a “credit” from the last semesters.
b) Termination at the initiative of the fine art studio: in case of breach of good manners and principles of propriety student may be expelled from a class. In this case, in one month we return value of the membership fee corresponding to the remaining lessons.
- Cancellation of a semester course or a workshop: in the case that we cancel a course or a workshop before its start, we return the membership fee in full within 30 days.
- In our studio, you have to follow safety rules, behave well so you don't cause any injuries to yourself or to your classmates. In the studio, you are at your own risk, and all your activities are undertaken at your own risk.
- At any time during your studies you will have the option to communicate directly to the leadership of our studio, we always try to come up to your study with us be pleasant for you, inspiring and creative!
What is our goal?
- Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction = smile on the faces of all involved
- The idea is that our satisfied customer will recommend us to other people
How do we achieve that?
- Years of experience in the field
- Professional team
- Highly individual approach to each of our students and their artistic goals
- Just... we enjoy what we do and we give our heart to our school
I. Introductory Provisions
- The civic association is entitled “Malování kreslení” (hereinafter: “Association”).
- The seat of the Association is in Balbínova 26, Praha 2, 120 00
- The Association is a non-profit, non-political and independent institution uniting members on the basis of mutual interest.
II. Mission, Objectives and Activities of the Association
- The Mission of the Association is the support of art culture (visual art, architecture, film).
- The Program Objectives of the Association are:
- to raise public awareness of the whole spectrum of contemporary visual art culture and the aspects of its fundamental importance for influencing culture in general,
- to constantly facilitate public access to visual arts and the many forms of the contemporary visual arts spectrum,
- to create and develop a network of teachers and lecturers of high quality, who are fundamental for the mission quality and also, for this purpose, to increase the number of Association members,
- to facilitate the transfer of information and technologies from academic grounds to general public,
- to systematically analyse, develop and spread new methods in visual arts and architecture.
- In order to accomplish its mission and to fulfil its objectives the Association organises and holds discussions, cultural and social gatherings, educational and enlightenment events for its members, their guests and other interested people; it creates and develops a network of cooperating institutions, it spreads the know-how, information and experience in human resources, management and finance; it formulates and implements innovation projects, cooperates with similarly focused subjects in the Czech Republic, the EU and other countries, including membership in international organisations dedicated to human resources development, information and technology transfer and knowledge management in this field. In order to fulfil the Association objectives new individual Member Bases (Cells) are being established.
III. Membership
- A natural person can become a Member of the Association (hereinafter: “Member”). Membership in the Association originates upon the approval of an application by the Association Member Base (Cell) Assembly. The payment of the membership dues and the applicant’s commitment to advocate the Association’s mission and objectives and to follow the Statutes are necessary conditions for membership. This commitment must be stated in writing.
- Membership in the Association is terminated by resignation, death of the Member or, eventually, by their expulsion. Expulsion is adjudicated by the Members Assembly following the proposal submitted by any Member. The Members Assembly must be summoned at least 15 days in advance in written form and in the invitation it must be clearly stated that the objective of the meeting is the expulsion of a Member. A Member’s expulsion is approved if at least twice as many members vote for it than against it. It is necessary to inform the Chairperson of one’s resignation from the Association. Membership is terminated on the day when the notice of resignation is delivered.
- An Association Member has the right to:
- be informed about the Association’s activities,
- partake in its activities,
- participate in the Members Assembly of the Member Base (Cell),
- vote in the Association Body elections,
- apply for being elected as a member of the Association Body.
- Duties of Association Members:
- to follow the Association statutes,
- to advocate the interests and the mission of the Association,
- to carry out duly the functions and tasks assigned to them by the Association authorities,
- without any delay, to notify the Chairperson about any personal data changes or other information relevant to the membership records,
- to maintain confidentiality on all matters of the Association unless they were explicitly intended for publication,
- to pay the Membership dues.
IV. The Association Bodies
- The highest body of the Association is the Delegates Assembly of all individual Member Bases (Cells)
- As the assembly of delegates of all active members organized under the individual member bases (cells) it is the highest body of the Association,
- It gathers at least twice a year, or when determined by the Chairperson or if requested by at least one third of the active members. A Members Assembly is summoned by the Association Chairperson who also determines the term of the meeting.
- It may act and pass resolutions only if at least two thirds of the total number of delegates are present.
- Its decisions are based on resolution. A resolution is adopted, if a greater number of present members vote for it than against it unless stated otherwise within these Statutes.
- It elects the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson of the Association. The term of office is two years. The Association Bodies may be elected repeatedly.
- It approves the basic strategic courses of action of the Association and the general annual planning of activities,
- it approves changes in the Statutes,
- it approves the budget and the final accounts of the Association,
- it approves the establishment of the Advisory Board and elects its members,
- it approves the Association’s membership in other organisations,
- it approves its rules of procedure,
- it determines membership dues.
- Members Assembly
- as the assembly of all active members of the member base (Cell) it is the highest body of this cell,
- it gathers at least twice a year, or when determined by the Chairperson or if requested by at least one third of the active members. The Members Assembly is summoned by the Association Chairperson who also determines the term of the meeting,
- it may act and pass resolutions only if at least two thirds of the total number of members are present,
- its decisions are based on resolution. A resolution is adopted, if a greater number of present members vote for it than against it unless stated otherwise within these Statutes.
- It approves Association membership applications.
- The Association Chairperson:
- summons and leads the meetings of the Delegates Assembly of the individual Member Bases (Cells)
- between the individual Delegates Assembly meetings they are the highest body of the Association – they manage the Association’s activities and decide on all matters unless these are assigned to the Members Assembly,
- acts on behalf of the Association,
- approves internal directives which regulate the rules of the Association in detail,
- The Advisory Board:
- has three members, the Association Chairperson cannot be its member,
- elects the Advisory Board Chairman among its members,
- monitors and checks the management of the Association, it evaluates its profits and presents the audit report to the Members Assembly,
- Advisory Board members may inspect all documents and examine if the Association’s accounting reports are properly maintained. For this, they are entitled to request any additional information from the Association Chairperson, who is obliged to provide the required information and documents.
- Until the establishment of the Advisory Board, its authority is to be exercised by the Members Assembly.
V. Economic Management Principles
- The Association’s economic management is based on a non-profit principle. To provide for the Association’s activities, financial and other tangible and intangible means are used. These are obtained from membership dues, gifts by third parties, donations and other activities. The funds obtained may only be used for fulfilling the Mission and implementing the Objectives of the Association. The minimum membership dues are determined by the Delegates Assembly of all individual Member Bases (Cells).
- The Chairperson and the Advisory Board are liable for the Association’s economic management.
- Detailed rules for management shall be given by the Chairperson in an internal directive.
VI. Termination of the Association
- The Association may be terminated by voluntary dissolution or by affiliation with another association. The termination of the Association is decided upon by the Delegates Assembly of all individual Member Bases (Cells). The meeting where the termination of the Association is to be approved must be summoned at least 15 days in advance in written form and the invitation must clearly state that the objective of the meeting is the resolution about the Association termination. The resolution about the termination is approved if at least twice as many members vote for it than against it.
- In the case of termination the Members Assembly shall establish a liquidation committee which shall also decide about the use of any property left after the liquidation.
VII. Interim Provision
The first members of the Association are the participants of the foundation members meeting.
VIII. Final Provision
These Statutes can only be altered or supplemented by the Delegates Assembly of individual Member Bases (Cells).
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- Ceramics course for kids
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