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Fine art studio starts registration for summer semestr 2016
08/02/2016 00:01
We start registration for the summer semester 2016
On Monday 8. 2. 2016 begins summer semester in our Fine art studio. We offer courses for kids, adults and seniors.
Now is the right time to book your place in the lesson! If you need help by choosing the course, please contact us.
We look forward to communicating with you and see you in February!
Application form
Reserve your place in the lesson now
Semestral courses
The main focus of the course is to acquaint participants with the fundamental principles of realistic painting. The goal of the course is to learn a patient and meticulous approach to creating artworks. Each graduate will take home 1 - 2 paintings. Our aim is quality over quantity.
"Are you drawing or trying to paint portraits at home by using photographs, looking in books or on the internet tutorials how to capture the face to get the "similar result"? Concepts such as perspective, ceiling, proportion, composition, shading you already know, but how to work with them in the...
In the framework of the Graphics course, we get into the history of graphics and we will get to know tools for creating graphics and their possibilities and applying them in various techniques. We go through various graphics techniques such as depth printing, printing from a height, monotype...
Under the tutelage of professional lector, academic painter, for whom watercolor is one of his favorite techniques.
The aim of the course is to familiarize yourself with this painting technique, with its history, with various possibilities of painting with watercolor and then you will be able to...
“Is fine artist profession your dream?
We will help you with preparation for the talent exams!”
Description of a course „Preparation for Talent Exams at Art Schools“– AVU, FAVU, UMPRUM…:
The course takes mostly a form of consultation and analysis of the artistic creations of our students,...
During this semestral Ceramic Course, you will explore fundamental techniques in working with clay (coil building, slab construction, sculptural methods, wheel throwing, molding) and decorating ceramics (engobes, various glazing techniques, glass decoration).
You will also learn the basics...
Are you preparing yourself for entrance exams for design and architectural faculties?
We have created intensive preparation courses for talent exams for technical type art universities."
Preparatory course architecture/design is useful for students, who plan to sign up for entrance exams at...
"Let's go to French Montmartre, let´s touch the extraordinary age when modern fine art was formed…"
Beaux-Arts Course: French Painting and Drawing Education
In the Beaux-Arts Atelier of Painting and Drawing, led by academic painter Ildar Yussoupov, we delve into the traditional methods that...
Our Drawing and Painting course for seniors is perfect for retirees who have a passion for art. Whether it's your mother, father, grandparents, or aunt who loves painting and drawing, treat them to a gift they'll truly enjoy—a course at our studio.
This semester-long course (19 lessons, 120...
Figure Drawing and Painting
Are you interested in exploring one of mankind's oldest preserved creative activities? Do you wish to discover your ability to capture the beauty of the human body? Are you eager to learn how to skillfully and accurately draw human proportions?
The art studio lessons...
Workshopy - jednodenní výtvarné kurzy - PRAHA 2, BALBÍNOVA 28 - TEL: 777 422 022
Gary Jenkins® kurzy olejomalby - kurz malování pro každého speciální technikou amerického malíře Garyho Jenkinse. Za pouhý jeden den si každý z účastníků, i ten, kdo nikdy nemaloval, namaluje svůj vlastní první obraz olejovými barvami na plátno.
Bob Ross® kurzy olejomalby - The Joy of...
Kurz Umělecký pastel je vhodný i pro úplné začátečníky, i pro děti od 10 let, které vydrží několik hodin tvořit
V rámci kurzu se účastníci seznámí prakticky se suchými uměleckými pastely. Suchým pastelem se krásně tvoří v barvě, vytváří barevnou velmi jemnou...
V rámci kurzu Klasická vrstvená lavírovaná olejomalba se seznámíme s technikami, které využívali legendární holandští mistři. Kurz je určen pro začátečníky i pokročilejší malíře.
Malování zátiší či květin má v historii klasické olejomalby dlouholetou nezastupitelnou tradici. V...
Rádi byste prosvítili svůj byt něčím originálním? Máte v hlavě obraz, ale neumíte malovat?
Pojďte si ho k nám vyskládat z mozaiky!
Umělecké workshopy MOZAIKY pod vedením akademické sochařky nabízí jedinečnou možnost vyzkoušet si různé techniky mozaik. Každé setkání je...
Upcycling je filozofií, uměním postmoderním, ale také životním stylem 21. století - ukážeme si jak dát staršímu oblečení novou duši, jak tím zároveň přispět k udržitelnější planetě a mít originální kousek co nikdo nemá. Skrze svůj oděv můžete vyjádřit své myšlenky, životní postoj, svoji...
Cílem workshopu je osvětlit vcelku mladé odvětví užitého umění. Dozvíte se jak obor produktového designu vznikl a kam se postupně posouvá. Zkusíte si, jak designéři přistupují k prvním kresbám jejich návrhů a co všechno vůbec před samotnou kresbou musí vykonat. Lektor bude dbát na to, aby jste si...
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- kids
- lectors
- news
- photo
- pictures of custom
- preparation
- preparation for entrance exams
- fine art studio
- schedule
- semestral
- summer course
- talent
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- teambuilding
- trial lesson
- vouchers
- workhops
- application form
- Ceramics course for kids
- Drawing and painting for kids
- Foundation of comics and illustration for kids
- Gift voucher
- Kids drawing course
- Morning courses drawing and painting - parents and children
- Photogallery
- Preparatory Course for Architecture and Design Exams
- Watercolor course
- About us
- art school
- birthday
- children
- christmas
- conditions of studying
- contact
- courses
- drawing painting
- figurative drawing
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