Fine art studio starts registration for winter semestr 2014/2015

15/07/2014 11:02

We start registration for the winter semester 2014 - winter semester begins in week from 8. September 2014,.

Now is the perfect time to book your place in the lesson. If you need help by choosing the course, please contact us.

Book your place in course on time!

Semestral courses

  In the framework of the Graphics course, we get into the history of graphics and we will get to know tools for creating graphics and their possibilities and applying them in various techniques. We go through various graphics techniques such as depth printing, printing from a height, monotype...
"Are you drawing or trying to paint portraits at home by using photographs, looking in books or on the internet tutorials how to capture the face to get the "similar result"? Concepts such as perspective, ceiling, proportion, composition, shading you already know, but how to work with them in the...
  The main focus of the course is to acquaint participants with the fundamental principles of realistic painting. The goal of the course is to learn a patient and meticulous approach to creating artworks. Each graduate will take home 1 - 2 paintings. Our aim is quality over quantity. During...
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