Getting Lost in The City of Prague Museum

18.10.2018 11:40

Review by Mercedes Morales

The first impression you have when you enter to a room in this museum is that there are many different objects. It is overloaded, but when you start to walk around the rooms and read the panels, they all make sense. The main objective of this museum is to teach the history of the city of Prague from prehistory to the modern age. The method of this museum is to teach objects of everyday life of different social classes, accompanied by panels that explain different aspects of the life style in each era. For example, how was education, the economy, the fashion, etc.

Muzeum hlavního města Prahy
The main building



The museum is considerably big and has many exhibition rooms, so to make an opinion essay of each room individually could take a long time, with which I will evaluate and review the museum in general, highlighting what I found more interesting and what less.

As I said, one of the most impressive thing about the museum is the quantity of objects that we can find there and the conservation of all those objects. Therefore, bearing in mind that some pieces date from prehistory, the state of conservation of each piece is incredible good. It means that you will enjoy to a good quality objects, exposing in transparent showcases.

Another impressive thing of the museum is the Langweil’s model of Prague. This artwork is a realistic paper model of Prague made between 1826 and 1937 by Antonín Langweil. This miniature city makes you feel that you could be walking through the streets of the Prague of the 1800's. Its detailed finish makes it look like a sculpted photography where you can observe some of the most famous monuments of Prague as Charles Bridge or Prague Castle from a bird's eye view.                      

Muzeum hlavního města Prahy
Detail of the Langweil’s model

On the other hand, exhibitions also have negative aspects. The fact that there is so much information to read and that some exhibitions are not dynamics make its content sometime boring or tiresome.

In conclusion, I recommend to visit the museum at least once to learn a about the history of Prague or if you are passionate about history. Although, if this is not your case, try to be patient and take your time to assimilate all the information offered by this interesting museum.

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