Impressions of Space Maker Exhibition
Review by Mercedes Morales
Petr Písařík is a contemporary artist who works mainly with three-dimensional works, although he also works with canvases. His exhibition "Space maker" in Rudolfinum Galerie refers to the name of the exhibition itself. Písařík plays with space and material in his works, in a clever and harmonious way, but at the same time disorganized and spontaneous way, that gives a considerable charm to his sculptures. His works are characterizing by the use of unconventional materials and in addition, the use of recycled materials.
In his exhibition, it can be determined that the artist, despite creating artworks, that can be seen as chaotic, he takes special care in the color and form of the pieces. When his sculptures are observing, his pieces seem as created by involuntary actions, which gives to the works a creative and expressive force.
In the exhibition rooms, a chromatic harmony of the space with the works is appreciated. The artist takes care of the compositions so that there is a visual impact between the combination of the colors and the materials of the sculptures, which are very diverse. The artist also plays with textures and light and some of his pieces incorporate materials, such as glitter, which makes them bright and attractive.
In addition, in the exhibition, it is possible to see the artist in action; meanwhile, he is creating one of his works. So, you can know about the exact technique and materials he has used. This visual record is very useful for the conservation of his works, especially because they are contemporary works made of so many different materials.
In conclusion, from my point of view, Písařík’s artwork is leading the viewer to immerse themselves in the world and the mind of the artist. Moreover, this exhibition invites to the viewer to consider the limits of art and consider that something can be beautiful despite the fact that the aesthetic part is secondary and the aesthetic and expressive part is being primordial.
Workshopy - jednodenní výtvarné kurzy - PRAHA 2, BALBÍNOVA 28 - TEL: 777 422 022
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