Relaxing Form of ART

13.02.2018 11:24


Recently I was visiting gallery in Prague 5 – FUTURA. There is few artists works exposed and I want to share some experience of one of them. So, as I wrote in the article – relaxing is also form of ART. Not just because nowadays workaholism is popular style of life and not just because you need to know how to relax and it is really big task for some individuals. In this exhibition there was one of relaxation forms created and exposed to the viewer not just for observation but also ability to try them, experience and enjoy it.

Installation is made by two authors Mariana Mlynárčiková and Nóra Růžičková and it is called “Ceci n'est pas de la bryndza”.  

Ceci n'est pas de la bryndza



Even author’s statement is that they don’t suggest anything visible, this work looks like some SPA or therapy room, white place with white comfortable one seat sofas, cozy light bubbles in front of all seven lying spots. It looks like attracting space which invites to experience it. Every seat has headphones and its own audio track. Audio tracks are made with help of actors and music connection. Each has unique and different style and mood and they are all connected and linked to theory of art. The main task for the viewer is to lie there and listen to the stories which are being told in calm and relaxing way. Sounds are nearly so calming that you feel like levitating on white cloud and getting deeper and deeper to some kind of easy meditation. You are finally connected to the comfort and mood which surrounds you like a soft invisible blanket of atmosphere.

Another part of exhibition is that viewer becomes an exhibit for another people who are waiting for free spot or just came to see the exhibition. They are lying there as exhibited objects by themselves disconnected from the reality and dived in the relaxation mode. It is nice to observe how people are changing roles and participating in the event and also to experience it by your self – switch from observer to acting in relaxing zone.

Ceci n'est pas de la bryndza 2

(experiencing “Ceci n'est pas de la bryndza” in Futura gallery)

Even if I did not get anything of the verbal part since I am not Czech speaker but I felt calming mood and was able to experience all surrounding interesting and relaxing. It is really nice to escape from everyday rush, fast speed of life which is so necessary in nowadays modern world. People are used to catch information process it and go away, but in this case you need to lie down to take it, and stay there to process it. Just after these steps you can stand up and rush somewhere else, but maybe after these few minutes you will feel like you would like to continue slow motion, maybe it will help to realize that time is just another thing made by people and not always we need to flow by all rules and sometimes we need to stop to see the beauty which is in all details. And some details are made to be so simple that just long view can make them actually visible. So I recommend to visit this and another exhibition parts in Futura gallery to feel the pause and break.

And for the final thought – this is small sneak peek photo of another exhibition “The Rooms” by Karima AI-Mukhtarova, which is currently held there. Even there is no connection for me this white spinning horse is also the reference of slowing down and making fast inertia of life getting more detailed while it is getting slowly and finally stopping as the move of swinging horse in the end...

Ceci n'est pas de la bryndza 3

(sneak peek to “The rooms” by Karima AI-Mukhtarova in Futura gallery)

Gerda Žemaitytė 

Workshopy - jednodenní výtvarné kurzy - PRAHA 2, BALBÍNOVA 28 - TEL: 777 422 022

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