V Centru Amudarja proběhlo setkání se Zahirou, děkujeme!!!
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Zahira is our inspirational guide and a World Teacher.
She spent many years with traditional Sufi Orders and later as a leader in Osho communities. She teaches heartful meditation and provides insight and understanding to people on a spiritual path.
Zahira models and inspires us to bring meditation into everyday life, for example when cooking, meeting, relating, working, dancing, gardening and celebrating.She has travelled and taken her teaching to many countries over the last 30 years, bringing joy and celebration to people in places such as Taiwan, Finland, Czech Republic, Italy, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine.
She supports people to grow in consciousness and live and work together in in an easy flow. The beauty of nature and relative peacefulness in New Zealand, makes it a good place for this experiment in a new way of living.
- Více o našem Centru Amudarja najdete zde.
Workshopy - jednodenní výtvarné kurzy - PRAHA 2, BALBÍNOVA 28 - TEL: 777 422 022
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