Ceramics Course, 9500 CZK


During this semestral Ceramic Course, you will explore fundamental techniques in working with clay (coil building, slab construction, sculptural methods, wheel throwing, molding) and decorating ceramics (engobes, various glazing techniques, glass decoration).

You will also learn the basics of drawing and painting on ceramics, which contribute to overall aesthetic development - the course includes sessions dedicated to creating glazed products. Participants will have opportunities to realize their own design concepts.

Our art studio's ceramic sculpture workshop offers instruction in both traditional and modern sculpting and modeling techniques, from pottery wheel fundamentals to advanced product design courses.

  • Where? Fine Art Studio, Balbínova 28, Prague 2
  • Cost: Membership fee D (9500 CZK), includes all materials and firings
  • Duration: 19 lessons / 120 min 
  • Class Schedule:
    • Tuesday: 18:00 - 20:00, 20:00 - 22:00
    • Wednesday: 18:00 - 20:00
    • Thursday: 18:00 - 20:00
  • Maximum Class Size: 6 students per course - individualized approach
  • Registration: Reserve your spot in advance via email at info@malovanikresleni.cz, by phone at 777 422 022, or using the registration form below.

Application Form for Ceramics Course

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Photo Gallery: Ceramics course

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