Currently unavailable - Creative Fashion Design (10:00 - 17:00) 1500 CZK


"Artistic expression of each of us is unique. The point is to find his own creativity and desire to start! The workshops I lead to joyful meeting full of inspiration and new ideas. I support students in the creativity and mutual inspiration. The most important and most valuable is the feedback that you can give everyone on the team. Believe you will discover in yourself so many ideas and original vision that you will awaken your creativity. Come and spend a wonderful time in a pleasant environment with good music and support from lector. I am looking forward to meeting you!" Lector Katka


What Is the Vision of the Workshop? The workshop is suitable for those who have lots of interesting ideas but do not know how to implement them. The creative course emphasizes the individuality of each student. We are all unique and inspiring artists beings, so why not try it out just in fashion! The course is also suitable as a preparation for the aptitude test.

The aim of the workshop is to familiarize participants with the procedure of professional designers in the creation and design of the project.
The project is, in this case, an imaginary clothing collection on the chosen topic. The workshop is a common way in the form of inspirational meetings, within the form is going to be a professional research for the clothing collection, which includes a search of inspiration, preparation for clothing collage, drawing and sewing the final vision book. After completion of the workshop, you will have in hand something that you created in presentable form. Something that is your vision! Something that makes sense to you and inspires others.

What Will We Do?

We will try to gradually answer these questions: How is the clothing collection. What are the trends? What is needed to make sure I could / and create a fashion collection as a professional designer? From what depends on the choice of materials, colors, dress solution? Also dip into the history of fashion, fashion photography, art, and film. Mutually will inspire and encourage creativity. In the practical part of the experience for yourself how to prepare a project "imaginary clothing collection". You will learn to create a vision board, you'll discover how to make professional research - preparation of materials for clothing collection. We can make a collage of all, what inspires you so that it gave the head and heel of the people with whom you work together as a professional designer. Sketch your first drawing clothing. You will try to work with different techniques.

In the end, you start to create your original " vision book", which will present as a professional designer with a clear vision and original ideas!


  • Where? Fine Art Studio Balbínova 28, Praha 2 Vinohrady
  • When? 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. with a break for lunch
  • How much? Membership fee C (1500 CZK)
  • Utilities: All utilities are available in the studio for free
  • Reservation is necessary: by submitting the application for you commit yourself to pay the advance deposit of 500 CZK within 2 days from receiving the confirmation
  • Scheduled dates: Currently unavailable


Information for Home Preparation:
Bring the inspiration for your first collection: colors, shapes, architecture, sport, food, nature, art, relationships, story, film, celebrity, craftsmanship, material... Each of us will bring their favorite books, clippings, lyrics, songs, smells...


Inspiration: Creative fashion design

Application form - reserve your place in the course today!

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