Drawing and Painting, 8500 CZK - The Most Popular Course - Starting a New Semester!



Semestral Drawing and Painting Course (19 lessons, 120 min)

This course is intended for the general public without an upper age limit. The lower age limit is determined through a personal consultation between the instructor, you, and your child. The course is suitable for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students. The course content can be individually adjusted in agreement with the instructor.

Course Content

The course focuses on the basics of drawing and painting, following the traditional approach of studying from reality and free creation based on one's imagination. Students will be introduced to basic art techniques and topics, including pencil drawing, charcoal, and sanguine, gradually transitioning to painting with pastels, watercolors, acrylics, or oils. Our students learn the fundamentals of constructing an image, composition, and color schemes with the goal of achieving artistic expression. Simultaneously, they are introduced to art theory, exploring the development of visual arts and encouraging efforts to connect with current art trends.

Course Details

  • 19 lessons / 120 min each
  • Where: Art Studio Malování kreslení, Balbínova 28, Prague 2
  • Cost:
    • Membership fee A (8500 CZK - adults)
    • Membership fee B (7500 CZK - youth under 18)
    • Advanced students D (9500 CZK)
  • When:
  • Beginners and intermediate:
    • Mon 18:00-20:00 and 19:45-21:45
    • Tue 18:00-20:00
    • Thu 15:45-17:45
    • Sun 15:00-17:00
    • Sun 17:00-19:00 (in English)
  • Advanced:
    • Tue 15:45-17:45
    • Wed 19:00-21:00
    • Thu 18:00-20:00
    • Sun 13:00-15:00
    • Advanced students can also join the Beaux Arts course with Ildar Youssoupov - see Beaux Arts for dates


Reserve your place in time by emailing info@malovanikresleni.cz, calling 777 422 022, or using the application form below.

Application Form To The Drawing and Painting Course

Please fill in the information below:

Photo Gallery: Drawing and painting

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