Ing. arch. Nina Hedwic Hrdinová
Education: FA ČVUT Praha
Atelier: director, mentor; drawing painting, preparation for High school, University, architecture
Phone number: +420 608 231 209
E-Mail: info@malovanikresleni.cz
"Hello, welcome to our fine art studio Malování kresleni z.s. ...
From childhood I was attracted to the visual arts, painting studios, I was fascinated by the smell of paint, new canvas, and the atmosphere at shows. I devoured books - biographies of artists watched in amazement as their intellectual movements. I admired artist like beings who sees more and more ... I created this fine art studio because I wanted to create for myself a place where I could still paint, create, where I did not have to worry about splashes of color and where the sink could be "properly cluttered"
Name and surname:
Nina Hedwic Mainerová
Full name and titles:
Ing. ach. Nina Hedwic Mainerová
Place of birth:
My biggest childhood dream?
Have the best man in the world and get from Santa Claus oil paints.
My current dream?
I could fall asleep every night and in the morning wake up to the fact that one day I did the best that was in my power.
What brought me to art?
Actually, I don´t know I was drawn to images since childhood.
My artistic idol:
Martin Mainer - It's obvious, isn´t it?
My life idol:
I do not know exactly, a little of Buddha, Jesus, Mom, Dad, the teacher of high school Macela and the teacher of university Mojžíš .
The most exciting experience of study?
Lecture of cathedrals, and flower given over the balcony from love...
How did I get into this art studio?
Well, how to answer that, I made it and then I appointed myself as the director.
What I want to achieve more in life?
I would like to have a bunch of healthy children, learn to cook and to establish a high art school with a (global) peak levels. It attracts me also to establish a foundation to support emerging artists and buy Ťapka puppies with a beautiful dog (laughs).
How would I characterize me in one sentence ?
Good girl.
If I could one day be reincarnated in the opposite sex, what would I do ?
As a man would experimenting with my body, so I know what to do and how it works. I then again as a woman could to use newfound knowledge in practice. .-)) )
Do you have a Facebook (why?) ?
I use Facebook to information about our studio. Nothing else.
- news
- workhops
- vouchers
- trial lesson
- teambuilding
- team
- talent
- summer course
- semestral
- schedule
- prices
- preparation for entrance exams
- preparation
- pictures of custom
- photo
- Ceramics course for kids
- lectors
- kids
- gift
- fine art studio
- drawing painting
- courses
- application form
- Preparatory Course for Architecture and Design Exams
- Photogallery
- Morning courses drawing and painting - parents and children
- Kids drawing course
- Gift voucher
- Foundation of comics and illustration for kids
- Drawing and painting for kids
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