Aquarelle course, 8500 CZK

Under the tutelage of professional lector, academic painter, for whom watercolor is one of his favorite techniques.

The aim of the course is to familiarize yourself with this painting technique, with its history, with various possibilities of painting with watercolor and then you will be able to use it in your own artwork.

Why paint with watercolor technique? Perhaps because its charm lies in the freshness painter strength, translucency alone painting, ease of administration, rate, capturing changes caused by atmospheric effects or fragility of architectural elements, purity of expression or brilliant colors used in art history primarily by Expressionists.

Learn to take watercolors with you on a trip! For this type of painting, you do not need a lot of equipment. So one of the nice properties of watercolor paint is that you can carry it with you anywhere. Take a watercolor set in the backpack to nature, you can also paint at home on your desk or anywhere directly on the knee.

Paint a picture with watercolors! The watercolor technique can be traced back to ancient times. Already prehistoric painters used for cave painting color pigment combined with water or grease. Create your own unique color too!

Watercolors are often referred to as the most difficult painting technique and that is for a reason that it is not so easy to repair, in compare to for example to a picture painted with oil paints. Practice your patience! Meet with Chinese ink painting featuring handwriting of a creator – painter, philosopher, and poet, whose brush reflected his thoughts, current mood or the mood of the scene on a paper.


„In the beginning, a painter must recognize that the essence is in softness and lightness.“ (Su Tung-pcho)


  • Where? Fine Art Studio Balbínova 28, Praha 2 Vinohrady
  • How much? Membership fee A (8500 CZK)
  • When? Monday 6pm - 8pm


Watercolor painting course will have the following content:

  • familiar with the technique of watercolor painting, with its history, with materials
  • stretching watercolor paper on wood panel painting in the wet
  • exploring watercolor paints, color theory, painting flowers
  • painting to dry, drawing (pencil, ink) and watercolor painting subject, a natural material
  • Rating and chat about the paintings, watercolor adjustment (both at home expose watercolor on paper) 


During the course, we are going to acquaint with watercolor painters, who used the watercolor technique as a distinctive artwork (Albrecht Dürer, 15. st.). We will be inspired by paintings of English landscapists, who were also great travelers and who brought small pictures vedutes from their journeys. Those pictures were painted with watercolor technique and those travelers contributed to raising the watercolor technique to the level of drawing, pastels and oil paintings. The „Old“ Water-color society was established in Great Britain in 1804 and we are going to familiarize you primarily with paintings by Joseph Mollord William Turner, whose quality of watercolor technique helped to acknowledge watercolors as an independent way of artwork, because back in those times it was used just as a preparation for a large format painting usually painted with oil paints. We are going to observe the evolution of watercolor painting in 19th and 20th century in the work of Eugene Delacroix, Gustave Moreau, Paul Cézanne, and a painter Wassily Kandinsky, who painted the first abstract painting in 1910 using watercolors, and other painters, for example: Emil Nolde, Václav Špála, Auguste Rodin, Antonín Mánes, Marc Chagall, Chinese masters of ink painting, and more.


What are you going to need for watercolor painting? It is always the most suitable for you to have your own equipment – colors, brushes, aquarelle papers (for painting at home), but if you do not have these, all the materials are available at your art studio.  We also recommend you to have one of those traditional travel kits with watercolor in little squares (for example brands: Umton, Pebeo) with the following colors: Naples Yellow, Cadmium yellow medium, Cadmium Orange Deep, Cadmium Red Deep, Madder Leke Deep, Gold Ochre, Raw Siena, Sepia Brown, Van Dyke Brown, Cobalt Green Light, Heli Gen. Earth, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine, Prussian blue, Paynes Grey Deep, Ivory Black. We are going to gradually complement single colors. Brushes: Round – number 6, 8, 12; Flat – number 14 or 16; Wide – 4 – 5 cm; ink, aquarelle papers, sketchbook: Calson, Fabriano.


The Content of the Watercolor Course:

  • Paper preparation – tightening of the paper to the underlay
  • Painting to the dry, painting in the wet
  • Painting real objects, photos or models at the studio
  • Techniques of watercolor painting and combinations with drawing materials
  • Methods of watercolor painting (wash, graduation, glaze, washing out, etc.)
  • aquarelle and gouache
  • quick color sketch, gradual painting in layers
  • introduction to Chinese ink painting
  • recognition of watercolor paints, color theory

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Watercolor course


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